Privacy Policy

1. The Scope of this Policy
Wishgeeks, Inc. (“Wishgeeks”) is committed to respecting your privacy rights and concerns. As such, we have established and implemented this privacy policy to inform users of our Wishgeeks website (excluding our technicians or other employees), and all users of our Wishgeeks services (“Wishgeeks Users”) of what personal information we collect, and how we use, share, and protect such information. If you have any questions regarding this information or our privacy practices, please see the section entitled Contact Us at the end of this privacy policy.

2. Agreement to Terms

All activities which you engage in through this service are voluntary. You are not required to provide any personal information to us unless you choose to access features of the Service which require such information. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use, then you should immediately discontinue use of the Service without providing us any personally identifiable information.

3. Effective Date and Changes to this Notice

This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date above and will remain in effect until a new notice supersedes it. We may choose to update this Privacy Policy at our discretion, so you should check this page periodically as the terms may change from time to time. The most recent version of the notice will be reflected by the “last updated” date noted at the top of the page. In the event of a major change to this Privacy Policy, we will provide a conspicuous message either through the website or user portal (the “Service”) or via an email address associated with your account informing you of the change. Your affirmative consent or continued use of the Service will constitute your acknowledgment of the notice in its current version and your understanding of the terms of this Policy.

4. The Information We Collect

The types of personal information we may collect and process about you can include:
• Personal Identifiers, including name, online identifier, internet protocol address, email address, Wishgeeks account name and password, social media account name, telephone number, billing and mailing address, date of birth, passport number, correspondence or posts, payment and/or bank details information, government identifiers (e.g., social security number), and signature;
• Internet or other electronic network activity information, including browsing history and search history, and information regarding your interaction with a website application;
• Professional or employment-related information;
• Geolocation information;
• Education and skills;
• Characteristics of protected classifications, including age, nationality, gender, disability, marital status, ethnicity/race;
• Visual, audio, electronic and other similar information;
• Commercial information, including records of products or services purchased, obtained or considered, credit history, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies; and
• Inferences drawn from any information to create a profile about an individual reflecting the individual’s preferences or behavior
We collect such personal information directly from you via websites and/or mobile applications, via email or telephone conversations, when you create an account, or in-person when you request certain installation services.
We may also, indirectly receive personal information about you from our third party partners (e.g., retail stores from who you purchased items, of which you would like our assistance).

4.1 Cookies

A cookie is a small string of information that the website you visit transfers to your computer for identification purposes. Cookies can be used to follow your activity on the Service, and that information helps websites to understand your preferences and improve and personalize your website experience. Cookies are also used for such activities as remembering your username and password. You can turn off all cookies in the event you prefer not to receive them. You can also have your computer warn you whenever cookies are being used. There are also software products available that can manage cookies for you. Please be aware, however, that when you choose to reject cookies, you may lose access to certain features of our Service. Most cookies are “session cookies” which means that they are automatically deleted at the end of each session. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you a chance to decide whether or not to accept it.
If you are interested in more information about interest-based advertising and how you can generally control cookies from being put on your computer to deliver tailored advertising, you may visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out link, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Opt-Out link or TRUSTe’s Advertising Choices Page to opt-out of receiving tailored advertising from companies that participate in those programs
A web beacon is an invisible pixel-sized graphic image on a web page, web-based document or e-mail message. It helps us do things like view the URL of the page on which the beacon appears and the time the Service, document or email in question is viewed. They can be used to confirm the receipt of, and response to, our emails, including those that you forward to friends and family; and they help deliver a more personalized online experience.

4.2 Device Information

We may automatically collect certain information about the computer or devices (including mobile devices) you use to access the Service. For example, we may collect and analyze information such as (a) IP addresses, geolocation information, unique device identifiers and other information about your mobile phone or other mobile device(s), browser types, browser language, operating system, the state or country from which you accessed the Service; and (b) information related to the ways in which you interact with the Service, such as: referring and exit pages and URLs, platform type, the number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages and content viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time you used the Service, the frequency of your use of the Service, error logs, and other similar information. As described further below, we may use third-party analytics providers and technologies, including cookies and similar tools, to assist in collecting this information.

4.3 Analytics

We may also collect general information resulting from your activity on the Service, including your preferences and other tendencies. This includes anonymous “traffic data” or tracking information provided by the website’s host or similar provider of such information (i.e., Google Analytics) that does not personally identify you but may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the services we offer. Analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting aggregate data. This information may include which pages are visited, in what order the pages are visited, when a visitor or user accesses a page, how long they may stay on a particular page, and where they are located. It may also provide information about what browser, network, or device is used to visit our Service. To learn more about Google Analytics and how to opt out, please visit
In addition, when you visit or use our Service, we may also log your anonymous IP addresses, a unique identifier for your computer or other access device. This helps us diagnose problems with our server, to administer our Service, or to display the content according to your preferences

4.4 A Note to Parents Regarding Children’s Information

Wishgeeks is committed to protecting the on-line privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16 or allow them to create an account through the Service. We take children’s privacy seriously and encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s online experience at all times. If you have questions or concerns about the Internet and privacy for your child, we encourage you to check out

5. How We Use Your Personal Information

We use or otherwise process your personal information to:
• To manage your relationship with us (e.g., customer service, managing your account);
• To provide a good or service requested by, or reasonably anticipated by, you;
• To provide you with relevant marketing (e.g., information on services or products we think you may be interested in);
• To analyze your use of our website;
• To detect security incidents and to protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity or prosecute those responsible; and
• To comply with legal requirements.

6. How We Share Your Personal Information?

We share your personal information with the following third parties, where applicable:
• Advisers and financial institutions (legal, tax, auditors, risk and compliance, notaries, and business continuity support services);
• Service providers (IT outsourcing and assistance, customer management, email storage and management, payment processors, marketing support). In some instances, service providers will be controllers in their own right, and will be directly responsible to you for their use of your personal information. They may be obliged under the information protection legislation to provide you with additional information regarding the personal information that they hold about you and how and why they process that information. Further information may be provided to you in a separate notice or may be obtained from such service providers directly, for example, via their websites;
• Our Business partners (including retail partners);
• Where permitted by applicable laws, with third parties in connection with a corporate restructuring, sale, transfer or assignment of assets or business, merger, divestiture, or other changes to the company’s control or financial status (or any of our affiliates); and
• Government bodies and dispute resolution and law enforcement organizations

7. Your Privacy Choices

If you no longer want to receive our emails or other announcements, you may unsubscribe by writing to us at or following the instructions provided through the Service or the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of our emails. Please note that you cannot unsubscribe from certain correspondence from us, including transactional messages relating directly to your account.

8. How We Store and Safeguard Your Information

We maintain reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse, alteration, or unintentional destruction. Your personal information is only accessible, on a need to know basis, by a limited number of employees who have special permissions. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your information as it is transmitted to us.

9. California Do-Not-Track Disclosures

Wishgeeks respects your privacy, but we do not alter the information we collect or change our services. 

10. Additional Disclosures for California Consumers

This section describes how we collect, use, disclose, and/or “sell” (as defined under California law) personal information of California consumers, and the rights you may have under California law. These disclosures are intended to supplement this Privacy Policy with information required by the California Consumer Privacy Act. We note that the definition of “personal information” in California is expanded to include information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked with a particular person or household.
To understand what personal information, we may have collected about you in the past 12 months, and from where we collected it, please see section Categories of Personal Information that We May Collect about You above.
We collect this personal information, as further described above in the Why We Collect such Personal Information about You section above, to operate, manage, and maintain our business, to provide our products and services, and to accomplish our business purposes and objectives.
We may share such personal information with the third parties listed in the above section entitled, How we share your personal information. California law requires that we provide you with additional information about certain disclosures to such third parties within the past 12 months, particularly, where the disclosure involves monetary or other consideration. California treats these disclosures as sales of information, even where no money is exchanged. We do not sell data.
We may, however, have disclosed, in the past 12 months, the following categories of personal information to the following third parties for our operational “business purposes” as defined by California law:

Personal Identifiers
• Advisers and financial institutions
• Service providers
• Business partners
• Government bodies

Internet or other electronic network activity information.
• Service providers

Professional or employment-related information;
• Service providers

Geolocation information.
• Service providers
• Business partners

Education and skills;
• Service providers

Characteristics of protected classifications, including age, nationality, gender, disability, marital status, ethnicity/race;
• Service providers

Visual, audio, electronic and other similar information;
• Commercial information
• Service providers
• Business partners

Inferences drawn from any information to create a profile
• Service providers
• Business partners

We do not sell, or have actual knowledge of any sale of, the personal information of minors under 16 years of age.

Your Rights
You have a right to notice, upon collection, of the categories of personal information collected and for which purposes the data will be used. You have the right to access a copy of the categories and specific pieces of personal information that we collect, use, disclose, and/or sell about you, and the right to ask us to delete/anonymize your personal information, with limited exceptions. You also have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information. Finally, you have the right to be free from discrimination for exercising your rights.
As noted above, we do not sell your information, however, if you wish to exercise any of these other rights or have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal information, please contact us at We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law.
Please note, however, before we will be able to process your request for access or deletion of personal information, we will need to properly verify your identity for security purposes. Where you have an account with us, you can exercise your rights while logged-in to your account. Otherwise, if you do not have an account, but we possess appropriate information about you on file (e.g., name, phone number, email/physical address), we will attempt to verify your identity using that information. If it is not reasonably possible to identify you adequately, we may not be able to respond to your request.
To use an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you will need to directly confirm with us that you provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request, provide the company with signed permission for the authorized agent to act on your behalf, and you will need to verify your identity, directly with the company.

11. Links to Third Parties

In an attempt to provide increased value to our visitors, we may choose various third party websites (e.g., our business partners, social media networks) to link to within the website. We have no control over these linked sites, each of which has separate privacy and data collection practices independent from us. As such, we have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any such websites. These linked sites are only for your convenience and you therefore access them at your own risk.

12. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or any Wishgeeks privacy practices, you can reach us at




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